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Rusija- girtuokliu, tinginiu, revansistu
Rusija- girtuokliu, tinginiu, revansistu
Vodka output sours 150 percent in Russia

Russian production of vodka and liquors in January-February 2007 up 150% from the first two months of 2006, the National Alcohol Association (NAA) said.

Production rose 27% to 8 million dal in February alone compared to February 2006.

Wine production skyrocketed some 14-fold to 5.36 million dal in January-February 2007 and 620% to 2.7 million dal in February.

Analysts say the significant increase in production can be attributed to the fact that most alcohol distilleries were forced to shut down temporarily at the start of last year due to a lack of new special labels.

There Are 2 Million Alcoholics in Russia

Russia’s Health and Social Development Ministry said today that about 40,000 people die annually from alcohol poisoning in the country, Radio Free Europe reports.
The ministry said that the number does not include people who die of chronic diseases related to alcoholism and those who die in various incidents while drunk.

The ministry estimates that the country has about 2 million alcoholics and that, in part because of alcohol, the life expectancy of men is 12-14 years shorter than that of women.

On October 26, Russia’s northwestern region of Pskov declared a health emergency after tainted alcohol killed 15 people and sent at least 400 others to the hospital.

However, the Health Ministry says excessive drinking is a more serious problem than poor-quality alcohol.
Uztai EU ir NATO Lietuvoje galima nusiv
Uztai EU ir NATO Lietuvoje galima nusiv

Kada nustosite per prievarta mums bruke Rusijos vidaus rinkai skirta dvokiancia “rusu tema” EU ir NATO Lietuvai?!

Lietuva nera Rusijos dalis!

Lotynisko raidyno Lietuvos spauda absoliuciai skiriasi nuo azijatines rusiskos hieroglifines kirilicos, tiek rastu, tiek turiniu, Draugo, Sajungininko- Prieso, Laisves, Taikos supratimu!

Jei kazkam is jusu norisi Kremlin bokstu- galite mauti i ruskynus ir negrizti atgal!

Prasome ne tik isspausdinti nuotraukas is USA, CAN, JAP, AUT, UK, AUS, F, D, NOR, SP, S, I, HA, SM, FIN,, bet ir aprasyti musu EU sajungininku is 27 Europos saliu gyvenimus, sheimas, molyklas, gamyklas, fermerius….

Mums tik nusivemti ant Lietuvai svetimos burliokiskos temos, ant Kremlin ir ant jo organu ar zenklu!

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