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Dear Vice-President of the European Commission, Commissioner responsible for the justice, fundamental rights and citizenship, Ms. V. Reding,

Great honor contacting you. We are admired by yours work and initiatives in favor of all citizens of the European Union.
I have some case study for yours attention, related to the situation with justice and fundamental rights in Lithuania, which might require yours immediate intervention.
The situation is ordinary, but getting serious because of the inadequate actions of Lithuanian juridical system, which might put under the question entire system of justice of the European Union, since Lithuania is EU member state, and threatens my fundamental rights as EU citizen. It puts also under question the morale, humanity and ethicality of the right wing politics, first of all in Lithuania, however might be that in entire EU. Thus, this is serious.
Around a year ago, I had the honor writing you briefly by mentioning, inter alia, the situation related to former member of Lithuanian parliament from the conservative party, Ms. R. Hofertiene, that she was used to defend the violations against the women, including against me also. I has long-lasting experience of dealing with her personally, since members of the international women club Zonta, which member I have been, were supporting her financially while buying the hand-made craft of Ms. Hofertiene, when she has been refused seat in the parliament, around 2000-2004, because of the scandal, related to wealth distribution between her and her sister. To my opinion, she was pushing her sister away from her flat in Klaipeda, while aiming to increase the real estate property. This has been hailed neither by her own party neither by the society. Over the year 2003-2008, I have spent around 1000 euros of my own money for the craft of Ms. Hofertiene. However, around 2008, I have refused visiting her anymore, because she has started the strange talks while justifying the violations against women in Lithuania, by telling that these might like it, what to my opinion gets in opposite to EU polices and to norms of human-to-human behavior. She has also started to justify the violation-related stress situations, while telling that these might be useful for women, i.e. that one stress kills another stress. Since I have experienced number of negative stress, related to my neighbors (post-soviet space, unfortunately, is rather impolite and the relationships between the people are poor), I was simply shocked, because the permanent stress, I have got over the years, affected my health, induced number of pain – physical and moral, which I tried all the time to forget by putting myself into intense and useful activities, including volunteering, and broken number of career opportunities, including the EU level competitions, especially EPSO. Thus, I got some impression, that Ms. Hofertiene might be related somehow to my sufferings, and started to doubt her anticommunist polices and the past of her anticommunist movement, since such experience, justifying violations and sufferings of people could be got rather while working for KGB. I told her this in a few emails as well as supposed to ask the Lustration Commission of Lithuanian to check her past. Because, unfortunately, in our post-soviet region the independence movement about 20 years had been joined not just by the truly anticommunist persons, but also by those, who realized the opportunity to clean their dirty past of repression-participation by membership of Sajudis, for example, just to get access to the secret KDG files to take the evidences away. This moment has been widely discussed in our press and still is under investigation of the Genocide Centre. My family has been experiencing the repressions in Soviet time, including me personally.
My suspicions, unfortunately, has been confirmed by events of this summer. After studies at Aarhus business school, I got back to Lithuania in mid June this year, started to work as the civil servant at the National Payments Agency, as well as got the traineeship at the European Commission, which I shall start in October at the Eurostat. However, it got rather disturbing summer, since Ms. Hofertiene, seeing me back to Lithuania, has started to disturb my life while sending the police forces (Police Commissariat of Vilnius region, Ms. Oksana Kovalenko) to check the situation and to put me back by force, as she understands this is appropriate according to her experience, to the track of the right-wing politics. I have refused to deal with her on the basis of brutal violations, thus, after knowing that in October I shall leave the Lithuanian again for the traineeship, she used her power and corruptive relationships in domestic juridicity, by accusing me wrongly for the so-called emails, I have send, and which she disliked as well as that I was annoying to her in the street, thus, - took me by force from my job on 29 of July, put in the press as the “heavy criminal”, as well as asked her corruptive friends prosecutors (Prosecutors office of Vilnius region, Ms. Rita Vaitekuniene, supported by Ms. Hofertienes friend judge T. Kazlauskiene) to arrest my personal documents. And, although I have explained the situation, i.e. the history of relationships, as well as asked for the pardon to Ms. Hofertiene for what “I did and never did”, even with the help of her political colleagues from parliament (Mr. J. Razma, Ms. R. Petrauskiene, and Mr. E. Cerskus) we cannot get the peace agreement with her, since she decided to “teach” me for the recalcitrance, as she, hopefully, been used in some of the soviet schools. In this situation, despite all efforts, we cannot get my documents back, thus, my leave for traineeship is questioned. Situation got tragicomic, since for the entire months I am doing nothing else, just running for the meetings with right-wing politicians to negotiate “political conditions” of my leave, which I cannot explain to the Traineeships office properly, what reason is for my request of probably being late for 2 weeks, and that domestic politicians considers their interests first, and the European – very last, despite they get very good funding from the European budget. All explanations, that EU economy, due to summer turbulence in the securities market, and due to Greece debt, is in danger, and that they might need my work, since I have three degrees in economics, including 2 recent from foreign universities, and that I did number of work on Europa 2020, - are empty.
In general, I am deeply shocked and insulted by the behavior of Ms. Hofertiene, since she has been supported by me personally number of times. Neither police, nor prosecutors listening my explanations and arguments, initially seeing them as wrong, and listening just to one side. This is huge moral hazard for the entire human policy of human-to-human help, if this result, as in this case, in legal prosecution, as well as to entire right-wing politics. This is also important that Lithuanian prosecutors seems refusing to pay any attention to the fact of illegal business activity of Ms. Hofertiene and tax-evasion, as for the entire years her business activity of hand-made craft was un-registered.
In this situation, I would like to ask for yours rapid reaction and investigation, related to:
- If my fundamental rights, as the citizen of the European Union, especially related to human dignity and liberty (free movement of persons) have been violated,
- If the prosecutors have the right to deny my leave for the traineeship, on the basis they still do not closed case, taking into account that I did not made any crime, just used by right for free communication (10-th article of the European Convention of human rights), similarly I am doing by writing to you,
- If it is correct to prosecute the person for different political opinion, or to keep intentionally away from the superior career, as this case might be affected by the top persons of Lithuanian conservative party, that in case they did not give my documents back in time, another Lithuanian, representing the right-wing politics will be taken in my place, - and if this does not make the truly criminal case of political terrorism and denial of personal liberty of choice,
- If the corruptive relationships in Lithuanian legal system, could be tolerated anymore, that any person cannot feel safe, just because she/he has different attitude to that supposed by the power persons.
I would admit also some personal details of Ms. Hofertiene life, which might affect her behavior, however, being the person not related to her neither as relative nor as friend – I cannot tolerate that this affects my legitimate interests. Ms. Hofertiene has daughter Nomeda, above 30 years, who cannot get well in her life, because of lack of education. Ms. Hofertiene, as I know, refused her the secondary school in soviet times, thus, she did not get the attest. Later, Nomeda spent some years in Belgium and in France, where from she got back in Lithuania 3 years ago, because of inadequate studies records. Despite power of her mother, she cannot get employed, hopefully, for the reason, that she did not get any educational diploma in her life. Thus, I was trying to help her number of times, but facing the brutal behavior of Ms. Hofertiene, her mother, stopped doing this, by suggesting to Ms. Hofertiene to put efforts rather for Nomeda promotion, instead of my prosecution.
At the end, I would like to thank you for all yours previous efforts to help me as to the EU citizen. I would dream about of maybe someday to meet your personally, to experience different woman-to-woman communication of that superior intellectual and ethical level, similar I had with my mother, - and very different to that I have at home recently, to get rid finally of poor impressions, experiences and memories. Today, I simply dream about, that Ms. Hofertiene will get away from my life forever.

Angele Kedaitiene

Turbūt nebeprisimena :)
Gal ponia R. Hofertienė prisimena 1986-87 metus, kai 22 vid. mokykloje KGB atstovai kvotė kelis mokinius, kurie viešino Lietuvos simboliką, kodėl tuomet, neužstojot kaip tikra Lietuvos patriotė, minėtų mokinių nuo visokiausių svarstymų mokykloje?
Na, ir ką padarėt su tais įpareigojimais?
Gaila, kad Nepriklausomybes vaisius paimti suorganizavo visokie demagogai, melagiai, buve gudrūs sąjudžio atstovai ir kitokie lituviu tautos atmatos.
Gaila, kad Nepriklausomybes vaisiais pasinaudojo visokie perejunai, kolaborantai, buve KGB agenatai ir kitokie lituviu tautos atmatos.

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