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Ir kodel Lietuvoje apie tai vis informacija bandoma tendencingai pateikinet???

"Paskutinį kartą taip melavęs sportininkas įkliuvo 2006 metais. Tuomet iš savo tikrąją lytį slėpusios Indijos lengvaatletės Santhi Soundarajan buvo atimtas Azijos žaidynėse 800 metrų bėgime iškovotas sidabro medalis."

Vargu ar Santhi slepe savo lyti. Emine Saner savo staipsnyje (The Guardian, Wednesday July 30 2008) minejo jog: "One of the most tragic recent cases is yet to reach a conclusion. Soundarajan, a 27-year-old Indian athlete, has had to endure public humiliation after she was stripped of her silver medal for the 800m at the Asian games in 2006. Soundarajan, who has lived her entire life as a woman, failed a gender test, which usually includes examinations by a gynaecologist, endocrinologist, psychologist and a genetic expert. The precise results of the test have not been made public, but it has been reported that the likely cause is a condition called Androgen insensitivity syndrome, where a person has the physical characteristics of a woman but whose genetic make-up includes a male chromosome"

t.y. pas zmogu greiciausiai buvo AIS sindromas. Tokie zmones gimsta moterimis, nors ir turi Y chromosoma.

pagal Emine Saner straipsni
The Guardian, Wednesday July 30 2008

"Suspected athletes will be evaluated
from their external appearances by experts and undergo blood tests to
examine their sex hormones, genes and chromosomes for sex
"The aim is to protect fairness
at the games while also protecting the rights of people with abnormal
sexual development,".
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) introduced sex testing in
Transsexuals, who have had a sex change from male to female, can
compete in women's events in the Olympics, as long they wait two
years after the operation.

Taigi, jei zmogus gime anatomiskai kaip vyras, pakeite anatomine lyti i moters, ir po tos operacijos praejo 2 metai, toks asmuo gali dalyvaut zaidynese moteru grupeje.
na nemaniau kad del garbes zmones pasiryze tapti transvestitais Komplimentai nieko nekainuoja, bet kiek daug zmoniu del ju gyvenimus paaukoja
krc ka ce nusipezat alekna yra aleknaite logiskai pagalwok kam tada jam su wyrai dalywaut :D
na va, pagaliau suprato žmogai, kad operacijos LYTIES NEPAKEIČIA, nes chromosomų pakeisti neįmanoma. Tai ir reikėjo įrodyti.
idomu o is lietuviu kas nors taip sukciaut bando? gal, pavyzdziui, Alekna yra ne vyras, o Aleknaite?:DD
o kaip kiniecius atskirs? juk jie visi vienodi
Nu jau taip apsimetinet tai yra zemiau nei vartot dopinga... O tas/ta inde tai nesuprasi, ten pas juos ir vyrai ir moterys vienodai bjaurus.

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