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The hottest TV3 and Go3 summer reality show "(NOT) ALL INCLUSIVE" is over It turned out that the  winner of the project was Meda and won € 4,600 and another week on holiday in Tenerife!

The hottest TV3 and Go3 summer reality show "(NOT) ALL INCLUSIVE" is over It turned out that the  winner of the project was Meda and won € 4,600 and another week on holiday in Tenerife!


After an impressive final, the last six of the project will remain in the villa, where they will celebrate an incredible month, discuss their experiences and say goodbye. 

The finalists decided to share the fun of the last evening with the readers of the news portal

See the winner's impressions and photos directly! Hear how the winner feels and what the other participants think about it. 

See the special live broadcast at the beginning of the article. 

Meda won the hugely popular reality show. It was she who received the support of the biggest viewers of the news portal 

Antanas took the second place and Gabrielė the third.

After the finals, a pleasant surprise awaits all fans of the project - see the most sensitive moments by watching the show participants' escorts on the news portal and Go3.


The winner of the show was awarded the remaining prize fund, which the participants tried to keep from the first day of the project. He received € 4,600 and an exclusive opportunity to stay in a luxury Tenerife apartment for a whole week with three more friends.


Savo kelią prieš daugiau nei mėnesį šiame realybės šou pradėjo 10 jaunų žmonių. Pirmosiomis savaitėmis iškritusius dalyvius pakeitė du naujokai, tačiau tiek žiūrovai, tiek ir kiti vilos gyventojai nespėjo jų taip greit pamilti. Į pusfinalį stojo tik 6 likę realybės šou senbuviai, o finale susitiko trys geriausi – Meda, Gabrielė ir Antanas. Kiti pusfinalio dalyviai – Ema, Jonas ir Justinas – liko gyventi su jais, nors finale ir nesikovė.

Vykdami į Tenerifę, apie šio realybės šou idėją 10 išrinktųjų nežinojo nieko – nei kas jų laukia, nei kokios taisyklės čia galios. Tačiau netrukus paaiškėjo, kad čia viskas turi savo kainą! Vilos šeimininkai, kuriais tapo realybės šou ekspertai Žygimantas Petkus ir Gabija Radžiūnaitė, netrukus atskleidė, kad nuo pat pirmos dienos iki projekto pabaigos dalyviai turės ribotą pinigų sumą, vadinamą priziniu fondu – 30 tūkst. eurų.


Šiuos pinigus dalyviai galėjo leisti taip, kaip išmano. Tačiau juk viskas kainuoja! Norisi naujų drabužių, valgyti, atsigaivinti, surengti vakarėlį ar išsipirkti savo lagaminą, kuris buvo atimtas dar pirmąją šou dieną? Už viską teko mokėti!

In addition, the prize pool was reduced as needed due to the variety of fines that were very easy for young and party-hungry people to earn… Noise, damage to the villa or anything that caused dissatisfaction among the villa owners cost everything here. And the prices during the reality show were completely different than in real life.

And yet life in the “(NOT) ALL INCLUSIVE” villa did not leave anyone indifferent until the last moment - by performing various tasks, the participants were able to overcome themselves, overcome their greatest fears, make new acquaintances, and some even fall in love….

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