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Sveikinu EU ir NATO Lietuva su Tevynes Sajungos/Lietuvos Krikscioniu demokratu pergale per Seimo rinkimus ir dekoju, kad teisingai balsavote.

Tai dar ne viskas: reikalinga nuolatine parama A. Kubiliaus Vyriausybei!

Aciu Jums!

Linkiu, kad Andriaus Kubiliaus Vyriausybe butu veikli, vieninga ir:
- istaisytu Kirkilo paliktas samoningas "bombas",
-energetinius reikalus...
-krasto apsaugos,
-sveikatos apsaugos reformas,

-informacijos /ziniasklaidos/propagandos,
-stabdytu rusifikacija,
- Parasytu sutartis su Microsoft Co ir sukurtu visiems prieinama, pigu skaitmenini Lietuvos teritorijos zemelapi, integruoto i Europos Sajunga, kartu su Amerikos GPS navigacine sistema, anglu ir lietuviu kalbomis, tinkaam naudojima su bet kuriuo laptop.

O gyvenima, darba, musu buvi -priartintu prie Europos Sajungos vidurkio ir paruostu programas:
-ka reikia ismokti,
-kaip reikia Lietuvos zmonems tapti Europieciasi ir atsikratyti 1940-1990 rusijos okupacines kupros.

Noriu kad Lietuva savo patriotiskumu, darbstumu, saziningumu, gyvenimo kokybe nesiskirtu nuo Danijos!


Ar tik ne pirma karta BBC aprase Lietuvos Rinkimus:

*Lithuanian opposition wins poll*

Lithuania's conservative opposition has come first in the country's general election, after making substantial gains in the second round of voting.

Final voting figures showed the Homeland Union had taken a total of 44 seats in parliament, allowing it the mandate to form a coalition government.

The conservatives and three allied parties will now have a majority in the 141-seat chamber.

The ruling Social Democrats suffered in part owing to the failing economy.

The Homeland Union came out on top in the seats decided last week by proportional representation and now looks to have consolidated its lead through the run-offs which decided the rest of the seats.

*Coalition partners *

With official results received from 45 out of the 68 constituencies involved,
- the Homeland Union had a combined total of 44 seats, followed by
- the Social Democrats with 26 and the newly-founded
- National Resurrection Party with 16 seats, according to AFP news agency.

*I see a very good chance to form a working government for the cause of change,* said Andrius Kubilius, Homeland Union leader

The conservatives are likely to seek a centre-right coalition in the parliament with the National Resurrection Party, founded last year by TV quiz show host Arunas Valinskas.

"I see a very good chance to form a working government for the cause of change," Homeland Union leader Andrius Kubilius said, quoted by Reuters news agency.

Mr Valinskas welcomed the possibility of a such a coalition.

"I believe our values, views of the situation and reforms are similar to those of the Homeland Union," he told reporters.

According to AFP, two other potential allies of the conservatives, the Liberal Movement and the Liberal and Centre Union, won 11 and eight seats respectively.

The Order and Justice Party of impeached ex-President Rolandas Paksas secured 15 and the Labour Party - 10, the agency says.

Ex-stunt pilot Mr Paksas was the first European head of state to be removed by impeachment. He quit four years ago amid corruption allegations, which he has always denied.

Although still banned from holding public office, analysts say he could wield huge influence behind the scenes.

Story from BBC NEWS:
news. bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/europe/7691786.stm

Published: 2008/10/27 01:00:32 GMT
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