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This is what you call, granma gave a birth to a winner! Taip taip
Jau kelintą kartą šita iškrypėliška informacija skelbiama Lietuvos žiniasklaidoje. Idomu kokiu tikslu? Ir dar - ji visiškai netiksli. Straipsnis apie šituos Imbicilus buvo publikuotas mirror.co.uk 2010-05-01. Ir prasidėjo jis taip: A woman of 72 has admitted she is having sex with her own grandson, it was reported yesterday.
Pearl Carter and 26-year-old Phil Bailey say they can't keep their hands off each other and are even having a baby.
The pair have paid £20,000 to a surrogate mum to carry his child and Pearl plans to bring the baby up as her own.
The couple are abused in public and even face prison but say they don't care.
They only met after Phil tracked Pearl down. She had given her daughter Lynette - Phil's mum - away as a baby as she had become pregnant out of wedlock at 18….. bla bla bla….

Nuoroda į Mirror.co.uk straipsnį: mirror co uk/news/uk-news/gran-pearl-carter-72-to-have-baby-218205#ixzz2gBLrwvzp
nelaimingi ligoniai, fefefer
nesveiki , nenormalu.... viskas.

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