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„Baltosios našlės“ odė O. Bin Ladenui

Nebus tau pergalės, pone Obama, garbė kankiniui Osamai

Tariamos išpuolio Nairobio prekybos centre dalyvės Samantha‘os Lewthwaite, žinomos kaip „baltoji našlė“, nešiojamajame kompiuteryje aptikta odė Osamai Bin Ladenui, praneša „The Independent“.

Tariamos išpuolio Nairobio prekybos centre dalyvės Samantha‘os Lewthwaite, žinomos kaip „baltoji našlė“, nešiojamajame kompiuteryje aptikta odė Osamai Bin Ladenui, praneša „The Independent“.


Eilėraštį sudaro 34 eilutės. Policija mano, kad jis buvo parašytas netrukus po pagrindinio teroristo likvidavimo. Odėje, kurioje yra daugybė gramatinių klaidų, S. Lewthwaite buvusį „Al-Qaeda“ lyderį vadina tėvu ir broliu, ragina musulmonus susivienyti ir prisiekia tęsti kovą su netikinčiaisiais.


Be eilėraščio „baltosios našlės“ kompiuteryje ir atmintyje policija rado apie du tūkstančius failų. Iš jų tapo aišku, kad teroristinės veiklos moteris mokėsi aštuonerius metus.

S. Lewthwaite buvo ištekėjusi už Germaino Lindsay, kuris 2004 metais susisprogdino Londono metro.

Mokantiesiems anglų kalbą pateikiame odės O. Bin Ladenui tekstą:

„Oh sheik osama my father, my brother

My love for you is like no other

Oh Sheik Osama now that you are gone

The muslims must wake up they must be strong

I know that you are in a better place

That Allah has bestowed upon you grace.

Us we are left to continue what you started.

To seek the victory until we are martyred.

To instill terror into kuffar.

Until the world is governed by la illaha illala.

Oh sheik osama no this for true

My heart will not find peace until all muslims do.

Everything you had you gave for Allah

No surrender will take us all far.

Your life an example of how we should be.

Oh Muslims listen to our beloved sheik’s words

Let not his struggle and efforts go unheard

Revive what he started and strive to success

Then maybe we can be raised with the best.

Oh sheik Osama we are jealous of you to be of those who the promise is true

The promise is truth which is binding if only we knew

Verily Allah has purchased the lives of the believers that theirs shall be paradise.

They fight in Allahs cause, so they kill and are killed.

It is a promise binding on Allah in taurat, injill and Qur’an

And who is truer to his covenant than Allah?

As for our enemies our words will be less.

You picked the wrong army to contest.

Al Qaeda are stronger and fiercer than ever.

Thinking in the end you are stupid it will NEVER

Be over until the day that we see our lands returned and governed by

He Allah the almighty, whose law is complete.

So make your plans and He is the best of planners.

Their was no victory for you Mr Obama, the honour is his on martyred Osama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!“  

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