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kad apribojinai jau įvesti kai kuriose ugdymo ir gydymo įstaigose 35 savivaldybėse.Laikas imtis priemonių.
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skiepas, kaukės, 2 metrai, vėdinti patalpas, neiti iš namų.
„The Flu Vaccine is Bad Medicine“

November 16, 2020
Forward by Jim Meehan, MD
As a physician and former editor of the medical journal, Ocular Immunology and Inflammation, I know something about immunology, inflammation, and vaccines. For more than 15 years I’ve researched and analyzed the science and pseudoscience underlying the U.S. vaccine program. What I’ve found is that the science is irresponsibly poor. In fact, it appears to be intentionally contrived to deceive the public with vaccine industry funded weak and biased observational studies.
However, because the vaccine industry stakeholders are more powerful and wealthier than any other industry in the history of the world, they have been extremely successful at using deceptive marketing to promote inadequately tested, ineffective, and unsafe vaccines.
@flu [vaccine] vel tu zombi ..
@fu ; tiesos niekada nebus per daug.
* „Flu vaccine BOMBSHELL: 630% more “aerosolized flu virus particles” emitted by people who received flu shots… flu vaccines actually SPREAD the flu“ | naturalnews • com
* „Flu vaccines causing massive spike in deaths of elderly across the UK, warn health officials“ | naturalnews • com
* „Study Reveals Danger of Annual Flu Shot Vaccine INCREASES Your Risk of Getting the Flu“ | rumble
* „OVER $1 BILLION IN FLU SHOT INJURIES“ | thehighwire • com

• „FACT CHECK: Some flu vaccines still contain Thimerosal (mercury), a “potent neurotoxin”“ | naturalnews • com
• „Getting the flu vaccine with Pfizer’s COVID-19 booster increases STROKE RISK“ ”“ | naturalnews • com
• „Guillain-Barre Syndrome Associated With 17 Vaccines, Including COVID and Flu Shots“ | childrenshealthdefense • org

• „Lethal injections: 2-year-old child DIES a day after being injected with COVID and flu vaccines“ | naturalnews • com
• „19 Year Old Dies Immediately Following the Flu Shot. Brain Swelling, Coma, Death“ | rumble

„9 priežastys, kodėl skiepytis nuo gripo nėra prasmės“

laisvas • info/9-priezastys-kodel-skiepytis-nuo-gripo-nera-prasmes

[COVID] injekcijos ir vaikai
[COVID] injekcijos ir vaikai
• „Corona“ skiepai visam gyvenimui sugadino daugybės vaikų širdis“
• „Stulbinantis tyrimas : miokarditas vaikams pasireiškė tik po covid vakcinacijos“
• „Covid vakcinų reklamos žvaigždė mirė staiga sustojus širdžiai“
[COVID] injekcijos ir vaikai
[COVID] injekcijos ir vaikai
* Vaccine makers do not use placebos to test the safety of their vaccines for kids
* No US Childhood Vaccines Were Placebo Tested: Why the Pharma/Government Complex Is Getting Desperate To Shut Down The Web
• „5 Facts to Consider Before Vaccinating Kids for COVID“ | For children 6 months to 17 years old, the website reported the following “adverse events” through July 22, including foreign and domestic reports:
1) 132 deaths (U.S., 56);
2) 484 permanent disabilities;
3) 4,106 hospitalizations;
4) 1,868 myocarditis diagnoses;
5) 52,654 total injuries.
• ‘Bombshell’ CDC Study: Kids Who Got Pfizer Vaccine More Likely Than Unvaccinated to Get COVID Infection | childrenshealthdefense • org
• ‘Striking Evidence’ COVID Shots May Increase Kids’ Risk of Asthma
• 8,817 COVID Vaccine Injuries Reported to CDC Among Kids 5 to 11, as Study Shows Pfizer Vaccine Only 12% Effective in That Age Group
• Australia Ditched Moderna’s COVID Vaccine for Kids Under 12 — But Why?
• Breaking: FDA Panel Recommends Moderna Two-Dose COVID Vaccine for Kids Ages 6 to 17 Despite Serious Safety Concerns
• CDC Reports 5,300 Errors in Vaccine Doses Given to Kids, as Latest VAERS Data Show 155 Reports of Deaths in Children 6 Months to 17 Years Old
• Kids Ages 2-5 Had Higher Rate of Convulsions After mRNA COVID Shots | childrenshealthdefense • org
• MEDICAL INSANITY: CDC adds multiple COVID-19 vaccines to the baby vaccine schedule, and they aren’t even licensed
• Number of Children Who Died After COVID Shots Much Higher Than VAERS Reports Indicate, Analyst Says
• Study of 1.7 Million Kids and Teens Who Got Pfizer COVID Vaccine Found Myopericarditis Only in Vaxed Groups
kodėl? - retorinis klausimas
kodėl? - retorinis klausimas

Apie 75 % CDC darbuotojų nepriėmė COVID injekcijų. Plačiau (video, žr. @3:58 min.): „'What Percent Of CDC Employees Are Vaccinated?': Cassidy Grills Walensky At Senate Hearing“.

• „mRNA vakcina įšvirkšti žmonės dabar yra genetiškai modifikuoti gaminti „baltyminius“ toksinus, kuriuos jų pačių organizmas bando sunaikinti“
• „Vyriausias Japonijos Onkologas: MRNA Vakcinos Iš Esmės Yra “Žmogžudystė”“
• „325 mirčių po “Covid” vakcinacijos autopsijų išvados rodo, kad maždaug 75 proc. atvejų tarp vakcinacijos ir mirties yra priežastinis ryšys“
• „Tyrimas parodė, kad visiems skiepytiems C19 MRNA preparatais pažeista širdis“
• „Skiepijimas nuo covid-19 iš tikrųjų yra karinė operacija“
• „Sulaukėme paskiepytųjų pandemijos - skaičiai šokiruoja“ | RESPUBLIKA

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