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Valstybės vardu galės vogti, nemokėti už prekes.Nes galimybės uždirbti nebus.
Atleisti tokia ministerija 5 metams.
Jau niekas nebestebina Lietuvoj, net ir asocialios moterytes prisigimdziusios tamsiu vaikuciu tik gaila pinigu kuriuos skirs eilini karta lodoriams islaikyt vietoj to kad algas daugiau pakelt ir su laiku bus baisu iseit i gatves, nes is tokiu daug ko gali tiketis
Galvoti,kaip iteisinti ju issiuntima atgal,o kad jie integruosis ir dirbs net nesvajokit, puikus pavyzdys Norvegija,Svedija.
Vargu ,ar jie puls darbo ieškoti,net jei ir leis jiems dirbti...tokių bus vienetai. O atsiras ir tokių,kurie eis plėšti,vogti ir žudyti...Tada visa kaltė teks policijai..
Pakeisti istatymus,kad jie patys privalo susiieskoti darbus,o Valstybe atmeta islaikymus,tegul patys save issilaiko. Jauni vyrai tegul dirba 2 darbuose,jei nori geriau gyventi.
Kagi tuoj sulauksime plesimu zudymu,.... To reikejo ir laukti is. Sio. Durnyno
Tai neviriausybe o durnynas
Iseitis. Lauk su kelione i praveniskes
Many of those people want to stay and work. There are many high educated people in the camps who escaped from Iraq due to political reasons. Not all of them came to Europe for fun and social money. Those whose lifes are not in danger already came back, the rest really can’t. They suffered a lot, closed on a small space for 10 months, with very bad food, cold and racist treatment from the guards (calling them kebabs and animals). It was said to reject all the asylum requests of Iraqis. They were given papers to sign they didn’t understand with fake information (for example the decision to keep them in detention because they came without any documents but their passports were taken by migration department). Inspectors responsible for the gathering information about them were not coming to them at all. They were given public lawyer Vinkleris who took 1,5 mln eur from government to represent migrants, who has no knowledge in migration law, who doesn’t speak English and who has no idea about the cases he holds. He only took huge money and did nothing. This is What is happening in XXI age in Lithuania…
Paleist jau seniai reikejo juos, laiko ir eda biudzeto pinigus daugiau nieko, bet Koncervai irgi eda biudzeta, tai tokius nuo valdzios paleist reiketu.

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