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The Palin family lives in Wasilla, about 40 miles north of Anchorage.

Aside from a number of thoroughly unpleasant episodes concerning family members, overcharging the state, heavy involvement with corrupt local politicians, attempts to foster her personal religious beliefs (Palin is a very active and aggressive Evangelical) there is the question of family matters she has attempted to conceal to advance her political career. Governor Palin “proudly displays” an Israeli flag in her gubernatorial office and for a very good reason.
Her maternal grandfather, Schmuel Sheigam, was a Lithuanian Jew, born in 1912 in Vilkaviskis, Lithuania, 91.2 miles west of Vilnius. The Sheigam family immigrated to America, via Hamburg, Germany in 1915 because of WWI.
At Ellis Island Immigration Centre, the name was entered as Sheeran, a standard practice of the time when immigration officers were unable to understand the pronunciation of non-English speaking immigrants. Sheeran is a common Irish name but members of the Sheigam family are buried in the Jewish cemetery at Budezeriai near Vilkaviskis:in Lithuania
Further information on Governor Palin’s ancestors can easily be found in the vital records in the Lithuanian State Historical Archives in Vilnius. The Archives holds birth, marriage, divorce, and death records for the Lithuanian Jewish community from 1851 until 1915 when the Jews were required to leave the country because of World War I. They are in 18th Century Cyrillic script and Yiddish Many of these records include the mother's maiden name and town of registration.

The Georgian Disaster

September 12, 2008

by Brian Harring

The Bush Administration is now having serious problems with Georgian President Saakashvili. He has always been seen as an excellent political tool, very pro-American, very anti-Putin and a man who had received over $860,000 USD from the American government for his “friendly cooperation” in permitting American and Israeli intelligence and military units to develop a striking base in his country aimed at both Russia and Iran.

Saakashvili. has had three highly informative and secret email exchanges (on September 3,4 and 5th) with American Vice President Cheney and two with American Secretary of State Rice (on September 1 and 3rd) concerning the future of Georgia. Since email privacy is impossible to maintain, the contents of these messages are certainly not secret.

Saakashvili has reiterated repeatedly, and very forcefully, that he wants the U.S. to reequip the Georgian army to the level it was at prior to the military events with Russia in early August.

Saakashvili insists that the U.S. develop a large naval base at Poti, the oil refinery port, to protect it from the Russians.

Saakashvili wants a large number of American troops stationed in Georgia for a protracted period to physically protect that country by their presence.

Saakashvili is also asking Israel to occupy at least one air base and to station a significant number of bombing aircraft there to facilitate a planned attack on Iran or on Russian forces should they invade Georgian territory again.

Saakashvili stated that he planned to equip loyalist local militias in the two provinces, Abkhazia and South Ossetia ,with sufficient weapons to harass and drive out the Russian occupiers.

Saakashvili intends to ask Israel to send tactical atomic weapons to Georgia to maintain a balance against Russian aggression..

Saakashvili vowed on September 6 to regain control over the two independence-seeking provinces of by military force at the earliest possible opportunity..

Major problems facing Washington include:

The total inability of the U.S. to field a significant force of ground troops anywhere in the area due to prior needs in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Small numbers of American military personnel (there were two thousand such personnel in Georgia before that country attacked South Ossetia and then were forced to rapidly evacuate following a massive Russian military incursion) could be made available but large and determinant numbers are not possible and this is certainly well-known to the public.

The well-publicized instability of Saakashvili who can best termed a loose cannon. Although a bought-and-paid-for American source, the Georgian leader, cozened and flattered by the Bush White House, has come to believe that he is America’s darling who can do as he wishes with their complete support. He has pranced around the state, shouting to his fellow-countrymen and giving the finger to Vladimir Putin.
Antanai, Rusijos korupocija yra kur kas didesnio mąsto ir vagiama ten dviem nuliais prie skaičiaus daugiau. Tiesa, tai nei kiek nepateisina mūsų vadovų, bet iš to Rusijos "gerai darymo" yra gerai ne visiems, jei nepastebėjai. Ir net vargu ar eiliniam rusui, net jei jis iš pykčio ant gyvenimo ir pasirinko šlovinti savo kraugerius, tikrai yra geriau, kad dujų milijardai, kurie tiesiogiai nepavagiami, investuojami į kaimynų terorizavimą bei teritorijų grobimą.

p.s. ir nurimk su tais amerikonais. Nėra jų Lietuvoje, kaip nėra beveik ir Europoje - dvi simbolinės bazės Vokietijoje. Wiliamsas buvo netikęs - išvijo. Kraft Jacobs fabrikas kaune, Philip Moris Klaipėdoje ir keli McDonaldsai. O štai Rusijos yra jūra - "Lietuvos dujos", Kauno termofikacinė, Snoras, Lukoilas ir dar daug, daug ko - atiduoto pusvelčiui ir prichvatizuota pasinaudojant jų siekiu "gerai daryti" ir mūsų žulikų godumu. Rusijos "gerai darymas" gali baigtis mums labai liūdnai, ponaiti. Ir tavo vaikams taip pat. Pagalvok prieš rėkdamas.
Asile ,bet ne IVANAS,ir teigiu, "kad rusai teisus ir daro gerai"!!!.Del tokiu vadovu nei vienam rusui negeda.O man del nusususiu ir prasivogusiu,bei nuolat meluojanciu LT valdzios vagiu geda.Mes net valdzios normalaus autoritetingo vyro neturim vien dvaseliai,vagys,melagiai,pasamdyti pastumdeliai,o Jus apmyzti pseudoparsidave patrijotai vias apie kazkokius rusus viduriuojatir gresmes Lietuvai snekat.Gresme LT tai ve-ve liandzburgo ir TSKP CK AMB-ines gaujos.Cia net partiju nera,vien tik vogimui sukurtos gaujos su pavadinmais... .Kur vienos gaujos narys daznai perbega i kita gauja.O durnas "lieuviskas versis"vis mano,kad tai jam JAV Dievo siusta demokratija tobuleja... .
Zinoma. Nemeluoja tik tai, ka matai ir skaitai tu:) Pavyzdziui Leninas mokesi vien penketais, o Putinas tiesiog bodisi melu:))))))
Tokiu filmuku pristatyti galima tukstancius. Panasiai ir yra. Efektyvus proto krusimas ir ne daugiau:) Kodel pirmasis kanalas neparodo nekalto istorinio A. Wajdos "Katynes"?:) Ka?:)
"Narod kotorii blujdaet po evrope i ishet chto mojno razrushit, unichtojit tolko radi razvlichenia". Dostoevskii

"Ne narod a skatina, xam, dikaia orda dushegubov i zlodeev". Bulgakov

"Naivajneishei primetoiu udachi russkogo naroda est ego sadistkaia jestokost". Gorkii

"Russkii est naibolshoi lgun na vsem svete". TURGENEV

" narod , chto nenavidit voliu, obojaet rabstvo, liubit zepi na svoix rukax i nogax, griaznii fizicheski i moralno... gotovii v liuboi moment ugnetat vse i vsia" Shmelev

"Narod ravnodushnii do naimenshei obiazannosti, do naimenshei spravedlivosti, do naimenshei pravdi, narod chto ne priznaet chelovecheskoe dostoinstvo, chto ne priznaett ni cvobodnogo cheloveka, ne svobodnoi misli". Pushkin
o prie to cia rusai. juk kacapiski komentarai ir cia vyksta tipo ne rusai, o lietuviai pasisako. pasiraso donatais, lietuviais, nors yra Ivanai.
todel kad sis filmas buvo uzdraustas JAV o jos autorius niekada jau negales ivaziot i USA.be to nepamirsk kad tai italu filmas tai prie ko cia russia ir antra jai noresi as tau galiu ta filma atvezti ir pats pamatysi:)
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Rusijos akcijų rinka sliuogia žemyn

Po karinio konflikto Užkaukazėje staigiau žemyn pasukusi Rusijos akcijų rinka, skaičiuojant nuo gegužės mėnesio aukštumų, jau sugebėjo nusiristi beveik 43 proc. Vien rugsėjo mėnesį doleriais denominuotas RTS indeksas smuko beveik 20 proc., o rubliais denominuotas Micex nukrito daugiau nei 18 proc. Skaičiuojama, kad vien per rugpjūčio mėnesį Rusijos rinka neteko apie 21 mlrd. USD investicijų.
ir kodel tu manai, kad rusu 1-as kremlin kanalas rodo tikra tiesa? pagal kokius kriterijus tu tai vertini? turbut vadovaujiesi kriterijumi - jei rusai rodo, vadinasi tai tikra tiesa. surudijes lektuvas esi.

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