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Rusija nuo seno buvo karinga salis,ir nieko cia nepakeisi,o vat musu Lietuvos politikeliai stojasi piestu pries rusus,tipo taip palaikydama gruzija,ane?net juokas ima "didieji gruzijos pagalbininkai"visos dydziosios euro valstybes tyli,nesikisa,o vat lietuvai reikia pasirodyti "kietai"taigi uznervins rusus bus ir paciai lietuvai kaip gruzijai uz "blatavojima"tik ydomu ar kas paskui mus gelbes,kazin ar nato nores del lietuvos su rusais pyktis?
Sutinku,kad rusai lopai,bet kas mes tada.Visi normalus senai pabėgo iš Lietuvos-ir karo nerėjkia.Ką čią veik ,,bananų bazej,,?Bet ir nuvažiave į užsienį viens kitą reketuojam ir priduodam.
Civil Georgia, Tbilisi / 16 Aug.'08 / 19:13

South Ossetia and Abkhazia are part of Georgia and “there’s no room for debate on this matter,” U.S. President George W. Bush said on August 16.

"A major issue is Russia's contention that the regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia may not be a part of Georgia's future. But these regions are a part of Georgia, and the international community has repeatedly made clear that they will remain so," he said.
He said that a ceasefire agreement signed by Russia and Georgia was “a hopeful step” and added that Russia now needed to honor that agreement and withdrew troops.
Bush made the statement after meeting with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice at his Crawford, Texas, ranch. Rice flew to Crawford to brief Bush on her trip to Tbilisi on August 15.
Vakaru poziuriu i Gruzijos okupacija privalo rusija ismesti is civilizuotu krastu saraso.

Todel yra smerktinas Balsas svetaines "uodegos vizginimas pries Kremlin kgb chunta':
-kaip dristate vadinti "rusu kariai(!) Gruzijoje?
Tai klastingas Balsas svetaines kokoboravimas su kremlin kgb chunta, Gruzijos okupacijos uzmaskavimas ir pateisinimas!

-Kodel neparasius vakarietisku stiliumi:
-"kremlin kgb chuntos okupacine kariauna iesko pretekstu, vilkina issinesdinima is Gruzijos"

Stebina ir tai, kad Balsas svetaine, brukdama Eu ir NATO Lietuvai burliokiska supratima aiskai parodo, kad Balsas svetainei yra svetima Amerikos Baltuju Rumu Svetaine : The White House!

Todel siulau Baltuju Rumu pranesimus spaudai:

President Bush Discusses Situation in Georgia
Prairie Chapel Ranch
Crawford, Texas

THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. I just had a briefing by my national security team on the latest updates -- on the latest developments in Georgia. And there is some progress to report.
First of all, I want to thank Secretary of State Rice for her trip, and thank you for coming back here to Crawford to give me a firsthand briefing.

She went to Tbilisi, met with President Saakashvili and his team. And during that time, the President signed the six-point peace plan negotiated by President Sarkozy on behalf of the European Union. President Medvedev of Russia has now signed on to the terms of this agreement. And that's an important development; it's a hopeful step.
Now Russia needs to honor the agreement and withdraw its forces, and of course end military operations.
Secretary Rice will soon travel to Brussels, where she will meet with the foreign ministers of our NATO allies and EU officials to continue to rally the free world in the defense of a free Georgia.
This morning also was briefed by Secretary Gates on the U.S. military's humanitarian mission to help the Georgian people recover from the trauma they have suffered. In recent days, military flights have landed in Georgia to provide relief supplies, and more will be arriving in the days ahead.
A major issue is Russia's contention that the regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia may not be a part of Georgia's future. But these regions are a part of Georgia, and the international community has repeatedly made clear that they will remain so. Georgia is a member of the United Nations, and South Ossetia and Abkhazia lie within its internationally recognized borders. Georgia's borders should command the same respect as every other nation's.
There's no room for debate on this matter. The United Nations Security Council has adopted numerous resolutions concerning Georgia. These resolutions are based on the premise that South Ossetia and Abkhazia remain within the borders of Georgia and that their underlying conflicts will be resolved through international negotiations. These resolutions are based on the premise that South Ossetia and Abkhazia are to be considered a part of the Georgian territory, and to the extent there's conflicts they will be resolved peacefully.
These resolutions reaffirm Georgia's sovereignty and independence and territorial integrity. Russia itself has endorsed these resolutions. The international community is clear that South Ossetia and Abkhazia are part of Georgia, and the United States fully recognizes this reality.
We will continue to stand behind Georgia's democracy; we will continue to insist that Georgia's sovereignty and independence and territorial integrity be respected.
Thank you very much.
END 9:10 A.M. CDT

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rusai lopai, visus ant lauzo
Reikia suprasti ruselius ir nepykti. Daug karo grobio prisiplese - beisvaziuodami apsiziuri: tai dviracio ant sarvuocio neprisitvirtino. tai kokia komoda "besitraukiant" buvo ant tanko blogai prirista. Vis tenka gryzti ir kartoti traukimasi.
rusija pradejo kariu isvedima pries savaite, poto pradejo kariu isvedima pries 3 dienu, bet visgi ji pradejo vakar, ir pasirodo jau siandien vel pradejo. OHo kiek ten tu rusijos kariu, kad reikia net 5 isvedimu visiems isvesti.

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