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Mato 18: 12 Kaip jums atrodo: jeigu kas turėtų šimtą avių ir viena nuklystų, argi jis nepaliktų devyniasdešimt devynių ir neitų į kalnus ieškoti nuklydusios? IŠGIRSKIT, ką sako pats Izraelio Dievas YAHUSHUA-YAHUWAH (Sūnus ir Tėvas yra Viena) mūsų kartai per savo pasirinktus pranašus... Informacija paimta iš Trumpetcallofgodonline. com saito. Laiškas (VISAS) pavadinimu "Come to The Lord...He Will Never Forsake You": 1/17/05 From God The Father - A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear Timothy, take up your pen and write... So you may have knowledge of what is to come upon the earth, and My peoples, in The Lord’s Day. First shall there be a gathering up, of all those who have washed their robes, in the blood of The Lamb... First, those asleep, then those yet living. Then come My judgments, wrath and punishment. In so doing, all may be fulfilled... Then the end will come. I am The Lord your God, Creator of Heaven and earth... I am also Mercy and Love, and send forth the Seat which is Mercy and Love... I do not forsake My precious created ones. Oh peoples of mothering and fathering, I ask you, how many times will you go out into the night, to find that one child who is lost?... How many? Would you then quit and forsake your child after seven times? Or would you continually go out into the night, the dark and dangerous night, until that child is found and reconciled to you once again? How much more will you go forth and save your beloved, if they were led into the night by those of deception and lying, who have lured him so? So then, when you have found your child, and made known to him truth, will you then punish him for the deception of others? How much more will be the punishment and wrath upon those who have led the children of Israel out into the night, and have caused them to wander in the wilderness, far from God? Shall I leave My children lost and doomed, because of a few who led many to damnation?... No! I cry, with all manner of loving desperation and wrath. I shall seek them all out, even those hidden beneath the rocks and under the ground. I have created them... Should I now leave them to he who has created nothing, He who has only brought forth sin and pain?... No! I cry with an almighty voice!... I will not give them over! I am He who will make Himself known, to all on earth and in the heavens... I shall send them prophets, signs and wonders, the like of which have never been and shall never be again. I shall shake loose every last granule, that can and will be shaken from its place. Blessed are those who believe without seeing... My blessings are with them. And to those who believe not, because they have not seen, will I show Myself, So they too can be blessed, for now they have seen. Oh satan, where is your power?... You work in the dark. I am The Light of the World, shown in the eyes of My new creation. Amen.

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