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Ginsim vaikučių gyvybę ir savo gyvybę aš prieš abortus sterilizacija kontraceptines priemones nes man be vaikelio skaudėtum širdutę ir man būtum liūdna be vaikelio :'( ir negalima žūdyti negimusius ir gimusius vaikučius dievas gali nubausti žūdykes ir žudykus vaikžūdę ar vaikžūdį seimo nariai ir gydytojai turi kaška daryti dėl ateities dėl lietuvos bet nieko nedaro ir kad laiku nepadeda išgydyti nuo depresijos negalima nuvertinti nei savęs nei kito žmogaus nei su negalia žmogų kad tu negali kad tu nesugebėsi o reikia sakyti tu gali tu sugebėsi auginti iš meilės savo vaiką tik reikia kantrybės ir noro ir abiejų žmonių pastangų mamos ir tėčio pastangų dėl savo vaikų ar dėl šeimos
Ginsim vaikučių gyvybę ir savo gyvybę aš prieš abortus sterilizacija kontraceptines priemones nes man be vaikelio skaudėtum širdutę ir man būtum liūdna be vaikelio :'( ir negalima žūdyti negimusius ir gimusius vaikučius dievas gali nubausti žūdykes ir žudykus vaikžūdę ar vaikžūdį
Ginsim vaikučių gyvybę ir savo gyvybę aš prieš abortus sterilizacija kontraceptines priemones nes man be vaikelio skaudėtum širdutę ir man būtum liūdna be vaikelio :'( ir negalima žūdyti negimusius ir gimusius vaikučius dievas gali nubausti
Ginsim vaikučių gyvybę ir savo gyvybę
Ginsim vaikučių gyvybę ir savo gyvybę
Dieve brangus baisu ziuret kaip ta musu Lietuva o jos darbuotojai ypac politikai bei socialiniai darbuotojai uzmerke akis vaiksto tokiu nelaimiu net nebutu jei politikai rupintusis savo salies pilieciais . tad visi ir bega is Lietuvos
palwiski si sestadieni filma vienas namuose 6 nes jeigu nepaleisit vaikai apsiverks bukit geri tik del ju zmones paleiskit ta filma ir del manes nes kitaip mirsiu paprasyki kieno nors |..
Helo but realy need help...
Charles false pretender one time his was participated in ‘‘Top,Gear‘‘ tv shou but really is a pity why he did not speak about so crul crime his do/ criminal consequences...
As I know who attended and who is to blame for the death of Princess Diana.
Guilty person is: Gitas, Valery, Diana along with Samuel and " Algirdas Makelis was division member lieutenant Tutis "[they are hiding in Lithuania] There are more criminals:
I want to add...That Britain is home to many Lithuanian impersonating British citizens.They pretended and work in Britain as like a legal citizen of the British.but under these people really are criminals.They wanted to Lithuania polic criminals.They are very dangerous people for public...
Who are those people?
Nicola, Nick and Tony, and many other.They work and planning offense and pretending, nobody's without being restricted by.They work and hiding in one of England's village in sutton bridge:adres is ‘‘//Wingland foods / / Wingland Enterprise Park / / Millennium Way / / Sutton Bridge / / Spalding / / lincolnshire / / PE12TD / / UK.//.I heard a talk about the terrible crimes.I could tell more but I afraid ...I am afraid of what might happen can be...
Please save...Pleas help...
If you want to find Princesses Diana disaster culprits. You can start looking Algirdas Makelkis address‘‘//Kosmonautu 35 / / kedainiai / / Lithuania//‘‘and Gintaras address‘‘//Nevezio 45//Vilainiai//Kedainiai//Lietuva//‘‘and Samuel I have only mobile number:‘‘+447836203020‘‘his live in England Witcbich somewhere about in Martch village‘‘This men is a from Lithuanian liar and impersonating a English citizens a long time...His real family is from Lithuania migrant criminals...
Is many more persons: Valery, Dian is full of a terrorist group...Thay are in Lithuanian and in Englisch thay do business from the deth people ID cards from possport and acceptance of the declaration of land and real estate as well...
They are very dangerous people...Also they commit crimes such as gasoline tanks
explosion or TNT is fine made mini bombs in underground trains explosion ,on the bus as well ...
What terrorists or the mafia they work?for whu?
Ask Prince Charles?Why it's so good for terrorists?He supported terrorists from Lithuania...
Why his doing to me..? Why it is so cruel to me..?What have I done him wrong..?He told me slotting the kidneys and eyes crying time.Why???
I do not have kidney and eye crying leuk ,on my back strange scalpel scars ...I felt the pain and I can not cry ...
Prince Cherlses punishing me...
His secret team of secret terrorists in Lithuanian,spoils me life.Why am I so I knaw what I did wrong?I know what I did wrong...My childhood was very strange and vague...They wach me and spoils me life...
Welsh Prince Charles supports terrorists from Lithuania...Prince Charles with his mafia is very dangerous for people...innocent ordinary peasants let him beware...
One thing is clear:Prince Charles operated eye tear glands and kidney as well...This is how I live now? Ask him if he does not want me to compensate for my heart and my morals pleas...
Charles and terrorists are doing Bastards ...
A few days ago someone is trying to kill me...Why???Why the Prince Charles so callous to the poor deprived citizens...The Prince of Wales with his mafia corrupts my life.They wach me Always.
And wach any my step...Help pleas they want swap me...
Charles fake/not real does what he wants and ordinary people at a risk. And is wery not safe ...
The royal family is in danger.The real Royal families of high-ranking officers is are death and swaped a long time ago by not real...Still the villain controls the palace and throne and everything else a will be not safta-is a not fairness against people safe for ordinary decline and disappear... It is illegal mafia or terrorism. Using a borrowed document and missing the declaration of property grabbing and privatization... Extortion and violence...
False Charles victims please feel fcompassion...

Labadienga gal kas gali padet jaunai seimai atsistot ant koju nuo greitu kreditu suteikt atiduot greitus kredit mazom palukanom ir pradet nauja gyvenima suma nemaza sudaro papie 12000€ nes nebeturiu ka daryt ir kur kreiptis waikai 2 nepilnamebiai be duonuos leka praradau darba ir net neisivaizduoju ka daryt kur kreipti tesiok gal kas gales padeti
kartais atrodo kad informacija kuria pasekia mus slinda vienapusiskai arba nukreipdama demesi visai i presinga puse tai daro politikai kurems padeda ir ziniasklaida toks kartus tas gyvenimas ,keiciasi laikai pavadinimai bet budas ne

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