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Visas vakcinas kokius reikėjo gavau,kaip nesirgau gripu taip,nesirgau it covidu.ekspertsa jūs.
,,The pharmaceutical industry is dangerous to health. Further proof with COVID-19''.


Since the beginning of COVID-19, we can list the following methods of information manipulation which have been used: falsified clinical trials and inaccessible data; fake or conflict-of-interest studies; concealment of vaccines’ short-term side effects and total lack of knowledge of the long-term effects of COVID-19 vaccination; doubtful composition of vaccines; inadequate testing methods; governments and international organizations under conflicts of interest; bribed physicians; the denigration of renowned scientists; the banning of all alternative effective treatments; unscientific and liberticidal social methods; government use of behavior modification and social engineering techniques to impose confinements, masks, and vaccine acceptance; scientific censorship by the media.
,,URGENT! 5 Doctors Agree that COVID-19 Injections are Bioweapons and Discuss What to do About It''.
4 metai po covido dar organizmas neatsistato,neskiepytas.
Jeigu kelios vakcinos susilpnino imunitetą, tai nieko keisto, beje tokiuose organizmuose virusas labai gerai mutuoja.
@na ; ar tik COVID injekcija nebus self spreading vaccine? - jei taip, tai žmonijai gresia išnykimas.
As manau kad tai juoks"_CO_vidas,tai tiesiog vyriskos menstruacijos nuo lgbt stambulo konvencijos_nepasirasot jai_SIRKIT,va tep,as pasirases!
nu laimė kad tik mėnesį o ne kokius 3 mėnesius
Kur vakcinos?
@Alvydas K. ; niekada nebuvo, nėra ir nebus injekcijų nuo virusų, nes jie per greitai mutuoja.
ar prie shito slamsto dejimo i cia nors kazkiek prisidejo zmogus? ar tik botukai su di isverte ir inpushino?
As , galeciau kokia simpatiska moteriske paskiepit , idurimas garantuoja imunines systems pagerejima
@Moteru gelbetojas Tai jau butu vyru diskriminacija...iskris visi kaip lapai rudeni,be skiepo.
@Tiesa O man monopolija patiktu , skiepyt ir skiepit

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