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Jis į sieną trenkus tik pasikraus;DD
ar galesiu supykes pist i siena? ar vel neveiks?nahui jie reikalingi ,dar su omni disconect rysiu !!!!!!!!!!
Kyocera's EOS phone concept is chock full of outlandish features. From its tri-fold OLED design to its unique method of using kinetic energy, the EOS is just what we like to see in a concept.

That is, insane features we're not likely to ever see. Here's a short list:

- Tri-fold OLED screen (like a wallet)
- Shape-shifting buttons that can become flat if necessary
- Powered by kinetic energy, like a self-winding watch
- Charges via "nano-scale piezoelectric generators"

It's ridiculous, but so cool at the same time

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