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Vertėjas debilas, o cituojamasis aplamai turbut kalbėjo apie žemės ūkį. O lyginami buvo didžiausias plokščiasis su šileliu.
Skaičiai (822 kWh)gaunami taip:
122W (tokį plazminį aš pvz. turiu) x 24h x 365dienos = 1068kWh per metus!
Kas tiek pajėgtų: metus laiko nemiegot ir spoksoti į teliką? :)))
Todėl vertėjas - asilas, o minčių autorius - melagis.
Kad jau nisipirkto, tai nedejukit, kad dabar uždraus..
na jau tikrai keistas dalykas, kodel reikia tokius tv uzdrausti? nors as nusipirkau is varle.lt LED televizoriu bet tikiuos kad bent siu neuzdraus
kas par nesamone??? :DD
na, beliko uždrausti elektrinius šildytuvus, nes jų efektyvumas elektros energiją paversti šiluma yra arti 100%.

Taigi, kuo tie telikai ypatingi?
Nekokia naujiena... :(
ir dar ką radau:

Brussels, January 14, 2009 TV power consumption – Important clarification on behalf of the European electronics industry
Recent press reports claimed that Plasma TV technology may be banned from the market soon for energy efficiency reasons. Such statements are factually incorrect.
According to the pertinent EU directive1 a technology such as plasma cannot be banned from the market as long as the TV sets (using this technology) comply with the energy efficiency requirements. The EU and its member states are currently working on new regulations to ensure improved energy efficiency of TV sets across all technologies, including Plasma TVs, LCD TVs, CRT based TVs, etc. All manufacturers will be required to meet these new minimum efficiency standards in order to continue producing, importing and selling TV sets on the European market. This regulation is expected to be published during the second half of 2009. After a period of transition products are expected to be compliant by the second half of 2010. It is important to understand that all relevant Technologies i.e. Plasma, LCDs and CRT TVs differ in the way they consume power. However, the industry has unified the criteria to make an equal measure across all technologies to allow a comparison to the consumer. Overall, both LCD and plasma technology have made significant advances over the past few years and both are achieving better and better power efficiency. At the recent Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, many manufacturers showed current and future technologies, demonstrating the industry’s continued commitment to improving energy efficiency even further independent of the type of technology. For more information, please contact: Tony Graziano at +32 (0)2 609 5314, [email protected]
Tame ir reikalas, kad niekas dar tiksliai nežino kokia ta kartelė. Jei bus nuleista pakankamai žemai, tai po ja gali nepapulti ir dalis LCD TV. Lygiai taip pat, jei ji bus pakankamai aukštai, tai šiuolaikiniai plazminiai pro ją irgi pralįs. Nes dabar straipsnyje, panašu, imti keleto metų senumo energijos suvartojimo duomenys.
Bet esmė tame, kad plazminių TV niekas nedraus, o ir kartelė energijos suvartojimui įsigalios tikrai ne nuo pavasario.
O dėl sensacingumo...
Juk "ES ruošiasi uždrausti plazminius televizorius" skamba daug sensacingiau, nei "ES ruošiasi įvesti energijos suvartojimo normas televizoriams"
O jei ta kartele del technologiniu priezasciu kokiai nors produktu grupei nepakeliama, ir del to ji isnyks is rinkos, tai irgi sensacija?
idomu kaip kontroliuos, ogi niekaip :D

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