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2006 m. daugiausiai Amnesty demesio susilaukia Izraelis - net 63 dokumentai. Daugiau is M.A. saliu turejo tik Iranas - 133 d. TAciau siuo metu Iranas turi tik 35 dokumentus, Izraelis 48 d. Hezbulah 17, Irakas 15, Jordanas 11, |Palestinos vadovybe 10, Alzyras 9, Syrija 7, Egiptas 7, Libija 5, Tunisas 4, SaudoArabija - 2, Sudanas 37.

JAV Amnesty demesy patrauke su Guantanamu. A. prilygino si lageri sovietiniam Gulagui. Rusija del Cicenijos ir zurnalistu zudymo.
Fortunately, many people have refused to submit blindly to fear-mongering policies. Journalists and human rights activists put "war on terror" renditions under scrutiny, which eventually led European institutions to initiate investigations last year. Courts are challenging control orders. Activists have compelled the UN to agree to draft a treaty, which will control the arms trade. Civil society groups are resisting the backlash against minorities and foreigners.

The alternative to fear is courageous, principled leadership. There is an important "changing of the guard" happening in many countries - new premiers in France and the UK, a new Congress in the US, a new secretary general at the UN. They must turn away from the politics of fear and bring hope and human rights to the fore.
Fear of national security was always an excuse to repress dissent, but now has been given new life by fears of terrorism. Old "tools" like political killings in the Philippines and prosecution of journalists in Turkey are now being complemented with the use of new technology in countries like China, Belarus and Iran to clamp down on internet users.

Fear of the outsider is a powerful totem for governments who mean to isolate and control their populations. In Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe continues to tout the threat of the former colonial power and others in the west to justify his policy of forced eviction of people from their homes and a crackdown on all who criticise him. In Russia the government talked up fears of mysterious foreign financiers to introduce a tough law on NGOs that was then used to shut down a human rights organisation working in Chechnya. At the same Russia has done little to tackle the alarming rise in hate crimes against foreigners and minorities.

Fear of being invaded by hordes of poor people has been used successfully in western Europe to whip up support for restrictive policies against refugees, asylum seekers and migrants.

Fear has led to hostility towards Muslims, Arabs and Asians on the one hand, and to anti-western and anti-American sentiments on the other. Increasing polarisation has strengthened the hand of extremists, reducing the space for tolerance. Islamophobia has been on the rise as has anti-semitism.
susidaro ispudis, kad moterys yra drasesnes nei vyrai.
Kodel? Gal jos ne taip labai isitveria ir dreba del karjeros?
The people for whom we campaign see no hierarchy in human rights abuses, no categorisation of injustice. What they do understand and demand are practical results and real changes in their lives. That is why Amnesty has never hesitated to criticise the massive corruption, abuse of power and deep discrimination in Africa.

Amnesty International has never been afraid, either, of speaking the truth to power. We do not believe that by criticising human rights abuses in the context of the US-led 'war on terror', Amnesty International is holding the US Administration to higher standards, as Cohen argues. On the contrary, we apply exactly the same universal standards to all governments. It is the Bush Administration that has claimed it is above, and its prisoners in Guantanamo Bay camp outside, the rule of international law.

Amnesty International made the right decision in 2001, shortly before I joined the organisation, to expand its mandate to cover economic, social and cultural rights.

Far from being a case of mission creep by an incoming secretary general, this was a conscious and considered decision by Amnesty's global membership to move in this direction and to charge their secretary general with that task.
Is pirmo zvilgsnio man pasirode, kad si bengale is BAngladeso nori uzfundyti Europai kuo daugiau emigrantu is Azijos ir Afrikos. Taciau matomai ne toks tikslas sios garbingos organizacijos. Stai ka raso The guardian:

In the Palestinian Occupied Territories, we have exposed both the massive human rights abuses by Israeli security forces which shoot, detain, torture and kill with impunity, and also the severe suffering of Palestinians because of Israeli policies and practices of border closures and curfews. Children can't go to school, pregnant women can't gain access to hospitals and men can't tend their orchards.
su tomis zmogaus teisemis, taciau reikia suprasti, kad jos nera pati didziausia vertybe, o turi tarnauti kazkam

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