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Kodėl tokie savanaudiški žmonės nesusilaukia atpildo? Kodėl niekas jų iki šiol nenužudė?
David Rocketfeller said...
Dear Les

We, the truth-seeking people of the world, the people who know what really happened on 9/11, the people who oppose Zionism but not Semitism, the people who recognize the globalization of corporate control of our lives, the people who give a damn about the future, who care about the environment, who despair at the food and the lies our children are being fed, we the people are speaking now.

We are speaking with an ever-louder voice and what we have to say will not be silenced. It will not be silenced by Zionists, it will not be silenced by Monsanto, it will not be silenced by the fear of ridicule. Not now.

We will now be heard by our friends. Now is the time to take them aside, one-by-one, and starting with the fact that 9/11 was an inside job, feed them the confidence to confront their ignorance. We will forever point our friends in the direction of truth, encourage them to join with us in withdrawing our support for and involvement in the Machine, and take comfort ourselves in the knowledge that our numbers are growing.

We the people will boycott the bad guys, trade with the good guys and disinvest from those who would enslave us. That means we will look closely at what we consume, change our habits and preconceptions, and live from this day forth in a different way to yesterday.

We will look deep into ourselves to see what really matters, what empowers us, what drains our energies and what is to be done now in preparation for the great leap forward on all fronts.

We the people are strong. We are many. We will never sink to our knees in front of tyranny.
We hold these truths to be self-evident that the Gentile is in all ways equal to any Ashkenazi, who masquerades as a Semitic Jew, while practicing genocide upon actual Semites whose lands they have stolen under the guise of fraudulent, scriptural interpretations and who have also taken control of this, the most powerful Gentile nation on Earth whose coffers and economy they have also systematically looted.

We believe that every gentile is endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights and that there is and never will be any specifically ‘chosen people’ on this Earth except inasmuch as they distinguish themselves by their acts among their fellows though nobility of purpose and self sacrifice to the common good and- That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just power from THE CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED, - That whenever ANY Form of Government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such a way that the damn thing works for the greatest good for the majority of the people and does not exclusively serve the interests of a handful of jackbooted Ashkenazi’s’ masquerading as a Semitic people.

Prudence tells us ( and we’ve all met Prudence) that governments should not be changed for light and transient causes but when the government has been systematically taken over by Halloween characters with dual national loyalties that honor only one of these nations and- that not being the primary nation -and when it has been found that agents of that ‘other’ nation have engaged in spying and acts of treason, not to mention serious financial crimes against the Gentile people then, it is the Gentile’s duty to throw off such a government

The history of the present Tyrant of Israel is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Ashkenazi tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

He and they have compromised every branch of the government with the corruption of bribery, blackmail and social pressure through a captive media so that the needs of the ordinary citizen are ignored.

He and they have used the ‘one size fits all’ anti-Semitic club (even though they are rarely Semitic) to silence all criticism and dissent and made a national religion out of their particular holocaust, while ignoring and even participating in holocausts themselves- EVEN IN THE PRESENT DAY. As they well know, they are directly culpable for the millions of murders- though their control of The Cheka -in the former Soviet Union AND satellite countries whose actual numbers dwarf the numbers claimed by them.

He and they have taken control of the nation’s finances through the control of the nation’s financial structure via their control of the Federal Reserve and central banks which has given them control of the money supply which they have used to enrich themselves and to beggar the Gentile population. With these funds they were able to take control of much of the world media and many other aspects of industry and government.

He and they have made war upon their neighbors from the country of their true allegiance and waged these wars with Gentile lives and weapons secured from Gentile nations without payment and have caused the murders, torture and displacement of millions for purely hegemonic and fascist motives and with the intent of world domination.

He and they presently seek to plunge the world into a Third World War which would result from their intended attack upon Iran- once again in the hope of using Gentile lives for that purpose –with the argument that Iran is developing nuclear weapons which every watchdog agency says they are not doing and… This nation, Israel, already illegally possesses nuclear weapons of their own.

He and they collaborated with various government intelligence agencies in an attack on American soil on 9/11/2001 whose purpose was unending war against Muslim nations and interests for the profit and gain of this small nation, Israel, to which they owe their complete allegiance.

These are only a few of the crimes of these agents of a foreign power who have taken near complete control of all Gentile freedom of movement as well as their very lives, liberty and pursuit of happiness and THEREFORE, we The Gentiles of the Planet Earth DEMAND that they cease and desist and that they relocate to the nation where their allegiance lies.

We demand that they be bared from any position in government or any entity that does business with government except in those cases where they may be seen to have the interests of ALL PEOPLES in their heart. We demand an end to the control of their financial siphon machine, The Federal Reserve.

We most especially demand an explanation and an apology for the declaration in their Holy Religious book, The Talmud, which says Jesus Christ is eternally boiling in excrement in Hell and for saying that the mother of Jesus was a whore. We ask for explanation and apology for the litany of racist and satanic commentary in this Talmud that is directed against Gentiles.

Until these agents of a foreign power and a foreign God who, resembles no God we can imagine who does not wear horns, until they cease and desist from their evil oppression of the Gentile People, we shall purchase no goods or services whose origin is the nation of Israel or which serves Israel. We shall elect no politician who receives campaign contributions from Israeli sources both domestic and foreign. We shall serve in no military engagement that serves the interests of Israel. We shall assume that Israel is in fact a natural enemy of Gentile interests as has been seen in the attack on the U.S.S.S, Liberty and their involvement in 9/11. We shall assume that any statement made by Israel concerning the welfare of any people other than their own is a lie and a part of a continuing effort to further enslave the population of the Gentile people across the Earth.

We shall consider the nation of Israel to be a pariah nation devoted to endless war against the Gentile people both literally and in all other ways, be they economic or through the proliferation of false information. We shall counter every claim of Anti-Semitism, by these largely non Semitic people, with the counter claim of Anti-Gentilism. We shall recognize the Palestinians as the true Semitic inhabitants of that land presently called Israel and shall henceforth call that land, Palestine- for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.

We finally demand that all suppression of natural inquiry into forbidden topics concerning any particular history now legally proscribed by the energy and entities of the nation of Israel shall be at an end and that truth in all things shall be considered a vehicle of the greatest good for the greatest people and we firmly declare that the holocaust of Black Slavery and the genocide of the Native Americans was of far greater duration with far greater casualties and a greater and more pervasive torment than their own holocaust and we demand to know how there can now be 350,000 survivors of their holocaust when there were only 100,000 at the end of the conflict in which this holocaust occurred. In respect of this we demand an end to all further reparations for their holocaust as of this moment we collectively occupy.

May this be the prototype for a coming charter that clearly and more explicitly defines what is so poorly and hastily outlined here in this virtual document. We, the Gentile People of the Planet Earth do proclaim that the tyranny of the few over the many is hereby at an end.
Rotšildui gal būtų įdomesnis Jeruzalės sostas. Galėtų į jį pretenduoti, jei priklausytų Dovydo giminei. Europoje tai šakai neva priklauso koks tuzinas giminių, tarp jų Habsburgai, Stewartai, Sinclair'iai. Kažkas iš Sinclair'ių žuvo Lietuvoje 1380 m. per kryžiaus žygį. Negali žinoti, ar nesuvedžiojo jis kokios nors vaidilutės. Taigi pretendentų galima paieškoti ir tarp Lietuvos čiabuvių.
kas katinui uodega pakels?:)
aaronui brazonsonui likbezas
aaronui brazonsonui likbezas
saltinis: bnaibrith.org
Nearly 165 years ago, Henry Jones and 11 other German-Jewish immigrants gathered in Sinsheimer's Café (right) on New York's Lower East Side to confront what Isaac Rosenbourg, one of B'nai B'rith's founders, called "the deplorable condition of Jews in this, our newly adopted country."
Thus, B'nai B'rith (children of the covenant) was born.

The original members' first concrete action was creating an insurance policy that awarded members' widows $30 toward funeral expenses, and a stipend of one dollar a week for the rest of their lives. Each child would also receive a stipend and, for male children, assurance he would be taught a trade.

It is from this basis of humanitarian aid and service that a system of fraternal lodges and chapters grew in the United States and, eventually, around the world.

Many of the earliest achievements of B'nai B'rith represented firsts within the Jewish community, including aid in response to disasters:

In 1851, Covenant Hall was erected in New York as the first Jewish community center in the United States.

One year later, B'nai B'rith established in New York the Maimonides Library, the first Jewish public library in the United States.

Immediately following the Civil War—when Jews on both sides of the battle were left homeless—B'nai B'rith founded the 200-bed Cleveland Jewish Orphan Home, described as the most modern orphanage of its time.

In 1868, when a devastating flood crippled Baltimore, B'nai B'rith responded with a disaster relief campaign. This act preceded the founding of the American Red Cross by 13 years and was the first of many domestic relief programs.

That same year, B'nai B'rith sponsored its first overseas philanthropic project, raising $4,522 to aid the victims of a cholera epidemic in what was then Palestine.
B'nai B'rith involvement in international affairs dates to the 1870s when antisemitism reached new heights in Romania. Through the influence of B'nai B'rith, the U.S. government established a consulate there, and a former B'nai B'rith president, Benjamin Peixotto, was appointed the first consul.

B'nai B'rith was present at the founding of the United Nations in San Francisco and has taken an active role ever since as an NGO (nongovernmental organization) advocating for Israel and human rights at the U.N. and other international organizations.

With the graying of the American-Jewish population, service to seniors became a major focus in 1971. In that year B'nai B'rith opened its first senior residence in what would become a network of 40 senior residences in more than 25 communities across the United States and internationally. B'nai B'rith is the largest national Jewish sponsor of housing for seniors.

B'nai B'rith International has not moved far from its roots, but rather allowed these roots to grow in more than 50 countries worldwide. No other Jewish organization can point to a longer, more all-encompassing history of service to Jews and all people around the world.
B'nai B'rith buvo įkurtas 1834 m. kai po "Morgano bylos" JAV masonai ėmė valytis nuo iš vidaus jiems kenkusių žmonių, save vadinančių žydais. Keturi pašalinti vyriukai, kilimo iš Vokietijos, įkūrė savo ložę. Jų XX a pradžioje įkurta ADL neva turėtų ginti žydus nuo šmeižtų, bet praktiškai ji užsiima užsipuldinėjimais.

Britanijos masonai buvo tarsi stipri partija, neleidžianti svetimiems elementams prasiskverbti į britų valdymo įstaigas. KGB netgi turėjo specialią mokyklą Vilniuje (jei tikėti S.Knight), kuri turėjo paruošti europietiškos išvaizdos žmones tam, kad infiltruotų juos į masonų "partiją'., o po to ir ten kur reikia. Bet šie bandymai buvo nesėkmingi. Kur kas sėkmingesni buvo ADL užsipuldinėjimai. Tūkstančiai knygų buvo prirašyta apie tai, kaip masonai valdo pasaulį. Masonai oriai tylėjo. Tačiau apie 1980m. puldinėjimai per press, media pasiekė kulminaciją. Masonams net prireikė Žmogaus teisių gynimo asociacijos pagalbos. Masonai turėjo atsiverti pasauliui, atverti publikai savo Holus, bibliotekas (beje Londono Didžiosios Masonų ložės bibliotekoje/muziejuje, pačioj pirmoj sekcijoj po stiklu, puikuojasi pirmasis 1920m. į anglų kalbą išverstas "Sijono išminčių protokolų" egzempliorius. (Niekaip nesupratau kas tuom norėta pasakyti:) Taip pat įsidarbinant pildyti anketas, deklaruojant priklausomybę masonams. Karališkoji šeima taip pat puolama ir ne vien dėl to, kad Didysis Magitras, Kento kunigaikštis, yra karalienės pusbrolis. Mano moteriška nuojauta sako, kad Rotšildai norėtų užimti Birmingemo rūmus:)
tamstos zinios apie masonus prilygsta Leonido Iljiciaus zinioms apie demokratija
B'nai B'rith, kiek žinau, yra judėjų masonerija. Masonai šiaip yra polikonfesiški. Bet yra kitoms konfesijoms uždarų sistemų. Įdomu, kad švedų masonerija, glaudžiai suaugusi su monarchija ir liuteronų bažnyčia, irgi yra uždara. Į apeigas įleidžiami tik krikščionys, taigi judėjo ar musulmono ten neįleistų. Į B'nai B'rith tikriausiai neįleistų krikščionio, bet reikia pasitikslinti. ADL - pačiose JAV yra daug kam įsipykusi. Daug nenaršiau tinkle, todėl nežinau, ką ADL rašo apie "Respubliką" ar balsas.lt. Pilvelio "Lietuvos aide" kartais pavaroma straipsnelių, pvz. apie "juodąjį mėnulį", lyginant su kuriais "Respublika" atrodo prožydiškas leidinys. Negirdėjau, kad dėl "Lietuvos aido" kas nors keltų triukšmą. Gal pražiopsojau.

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